Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Whose Story is it Anyway?

This is Day 21 of my 40 Days of Me journey. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit. Does that still hold true when I've missed 3 days (but made up by posting 2)?

I used to write often in diaries. But, it became censored for fear that someone would read it. I'm a (recovering) snoop and maybe I was paranoid that it'd catch up to me. I had lots of secrets that I didn't want to get out. 

Then I became an over sharer. I would tell things about myself before anyone else could spread the news. Even with that, I censor. I tell things that cannot be easily traced to a source other than me (like abortion or molestation). 

Why do I do this? Because I always have a hard time telling parts of my story that intersect with other people's lives. Maybe they don't want certain things to come out. Is it my right to expose them or their feelings or actions?

Yes, it kind of is, when it affects me. Just because they played a supporting role doesn't mean that the star (me) has to edit the show to protect them. 

But what if they start telling their own tales and add a twist that I've forgotten or blocked out? Or even worse unlock a pain that I thought no longer hurt? 

And after the mental back and forth, I stop writing for months at a time. So maybe I'm going to use these remaining 19 days to push through. If not, at least I'll keep logging my daily random thoughts. 

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