Friday, February 27, 2015

Speedy Nevarez

I do things quickly. I work fast, type fast, walk fast, and of course drive fast. I do things like I'm being timed. Rushing. And for what? It's not like I'm getting bonus points by reaching the finish line first. 

When I was younger I used to be slow...well, do things slowly. I walked super slow in the school halls so nobody would pay me attention. Lol maybe I watched Animal Planet and saw how sloths survive in the wilderness. 

I'm not sure what changed my pace in life. I have to remind myself sometimes to slow down...other times my Husband or cops remind me. Yikes! 

Life isn't going anywhere and my rushing won't help spin the earth any quicker. It will just get me to the red light faster and I'll be waiting with the rest of the traffic. 

Note to self: Breathe. Relax. Pace yourself. 

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