Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Secret Life of QD

I am an excellent secret keeper. A large part of that is because I forget things people tell me. But, if you tell me a secret that I do remember, it's going down with me. Even if we break up or if I'm upset. 

I also keep my own secrets. Well, I used to. Now that I'm married, I like to practice transparency. However, being see through can be nerve wracking. Combined with my motor-mouthedness (another new word) is my Husband's innate way of reading body language and vibes, so nothing gets unsaid. 

Even when I can sneak things past him, I try make a habit not to, especially since he's going to probe until he knows what's going on. I even tell him all my irrelevant dirty little secrets (like stealing earrings from McCrory's when I was a kid). It feels good to release hidden parts of myself that have often been locked up for years and years. 

Today I made a mistake setting up an bill to be paid too early and almost overdrew our checking account. I was going to hide the error (as my Husband is just finding out as he reads this), but I spilled the beans. I can't handle being on pins and needles. Plus it messes up the atmosphere in the house. And I wouldn't be able to hide it for long because messing up my money (or anything) can sometimes put me in a funky mood...Virgos don't like mistakes. 

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