Sunday, July 05, 2009

4th of July Lessons

Sometimes, you don't appreciate your parents until you have a child of your own. Spending time with my son this past weekend made me see just how much my mother sacrificed for my brother and me.

As a child, I did not realize the tedium of standing in 2 hour-long lines in the middle of the summer at Great America for a 2-minute rollercoaster ride. I did not comprehend the pain one endures sitting outside in mosquito infested parks to watch fireworks among thousands of other families with hyperactive kids.

Over the weekend, I learned that parents stand on their feet when they don't want to and get bitten by random bugs because seeing joy in their kids' eyes is worth it.

So today, as I scratch insect bites and hope they are not from poisonous spiders, gingerly apply ointment to my sunburned shoulders and try to catch up on some much needed rest, I will not complain. I will focus on memories of my son's pure, unadulterated happiness and rest securely in the fact that I did not stand in his way.

Thanks Mommy for the lessons that you didn't know you were teaching!

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