Wednesday, March 04, 2009

An Introduction to the Queen

I am Queen Dalia. My name did not originate from a feeling of superiority over anyone. Its origin is simple: when my maiden name was alphabetized, it was listed "King, Dalia." I am clearly all woman, so my Sorority Sister C began calling me "Queen Dalia" in 1996 when I became an AKA. Since this time, Queen Dalia has remained my moniker.

This first blog introduced you to the meaning behind my name. My goal with future blogs is to delve deeper into me as a person. I hope to remain honest, transparent and fearful as I share myself in my writings.

My blog is titled "Tangentially Speaking" because I have been known to jump from topic to topic in the midst of a conversation or even a sentence. I came up with this title in 2001 when I was playing with names for a potential that still has yet to be written.


Anonymous said...

Finally your getting this started. By no time you'll have many many followers!!!

Queen Dalia said...

Hopefully you'll jump off the wave by signing up to follow the blog ;-> Thanks for all the pushing and prodding to get started!!!

CEO said...

What does Tangentially mean? Your blog is very nice... and clean!

Queen Dalia said...

I'll define tangentially in a separate blog and explain why I use it. Thanks for the motivation!