Thursday, April 30, 2020

Positive Thinking Preparedness

For the past couple days, I’ve been singing “I know that I can make it. I know that I can stand. No matter what may come my way, my life is in good hands.” (I change lyrics to remove the religious aspect.)

This morning, I woke up and saw that a last minute meeting was scheduled for work. Sometimes I get nervous since I’m new to the position and not yet confident in my knowledge. After accepting the meeting invitation, I said to myself, “I am prepared for whatever comes and able to adapt as needed.”

It turns out that I was more than prepared for the mystery meeting. Once it ended, the trainer for our department wanted to solicit my help for some of her other studies. She said that she loved working with me and I made things move along quickly. 

I’m fully convinced that my positive thinking (and singing) got me ready for a future I couldn’t predict. I encourage you, which is the reason for the post, to start/keep encouraging yourself so that you’re prepared for whatever opportunities come your way. 

Life as we knew it is gone and the new world being created has a prime spot just for your unique Self. Nurture and feed your Self because we need you! ❤️

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