Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Does It Matter If You're Black or White?

Today I put up some posts about John Mayer who said he's not open to dating black women. Later, I was called a racist by one of my non-black friends.

I could very well be a racist if it's based on my dating history. I've never dated anyone outside of my race. There have been offers....and subsequent rejections. I think the culture differences are too much for me. I can imagine me going over his family's house and hearing something racial or some lil kid trying to touch my hair....not a good ending.

So, am I racist or closed-minded? I know that I used to have a whole mental notebook of who I would not date (white, have kids, etc.). But, I have come to realize that I am limiting myself. I love all types of food (yes everything with me goes back to food), so why wouldn't I at least see if I'd LIKE men from other cultures.

If you see me "playing in the snow" (white man) or "making tacos" (latin) or "fixing computers" (asian), don't trip. I'm just sampling from life's buffet.......oops, just heard this last paragraph is racist too. DAMNIT!

Update people cant be racist! Here’s a post I saw almost 2 hours ago on Facebook regarding generalized  statements. 

You can research for yourself why black people cannot be racist if you aren’t already aware, but here’s the relevant definition that people (is who want to call non-whites “racists”,(especially in America) overlook. We have  no systems that execute he principles of racism. 


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