Thursday, July 23, 2020

Early Morning AHA! Moments

No matter when I go to sleep, I’m waking up bright and early (while the sun and family are still sleeping) thinking about life. I used to get peeved, eventually it turned to acceptance, lead to understanding I’m up for a reason and now I know I’m about to have some Aha! moments. 

Lately they’ve been about how to make my life “easier”. Maybe that’s what they’ve always been, but instead of listening I was distracting myself reading books or social media. 

In Human Design, which I’m delving deeper into if you haven’t picked up yet, my Head Center is usually complete Open with no Defined Gates/Activations. This Center is the one that determines how much one is “in their head”, looking for answers that often don’t even matter to them. 

Since mine is Open, I camp out in that bitch. Like, set up a tent, have snacks and drinks (cold), take naps and all. If you ask a question, it doesn’t even have to be to me, I’m going to stop what I’m doing and try to figure it out. Don’t let it be a “Life” question either!

As of June 2019, the start of a new personal Cycle, that Center has been fully Defined. I didn’t realize until talking to Halavao that I’d started letting other people figure out the answers to their questions, especially at work and on social media. (They have google just like me, so I let their fingers do the walking!) My “whatever, that ain’t got nothing to do with me” gene kicked in and I like it. 

Hearing other people’s take, when I ask for it (Manifestors initiate), is really great to help see those things I know, but don’t realize. These early morning Aha! sessions are the same. Thoughts, ideas and concepts that play in the back of my mind come out and reveal their truth. 

I’m preparing to be a Human Design Consultant (and apparently “Get Your Business Together” one, too) so that I can help others uncover/rediscover their Superpowers. 

Before I forget, this morning’s Aha! moment was that...shit I forgot, but a new Aha! is that I need to prioritize cementing my Ahas! before I scroll through social media and type long ass posts šŸ˜‚

INFORMING!!! It came back to me just as I was about to give it up and turn it loose (there’s a message in that!). 

To keep peace, Manifestors inform those around them about what they need and are going to do in advance so that we prevent the disruption of others trying to initiate things with us and/or taking us out of our Flow. Not only is informing part of my Life’s Strategy, it’s also my Life’s Path (Incarnation Cross). This probably explains why my posts are sometimes long and “informative” or why I’ve been called “bossy” šŸ˜‚

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