Monday, March 09, 2015

From Milk Carton to Newsfeed

I remember seeing missing kids on milk cartons for the first time and looking at each face and name. Giving thought into who they were and where they are. Calculating to see how long they've been missing. 

And then they were on every milk carton, then on Walmart or K-Mart walls and now all over Facebook. I see them and share some of them. Because there are SOOOOO many, I pick and choose which to share......which I JUST decided is dumb. 

I watched an HBO a short documentary called "Muted" about how the media and police focus less on the disappearance of minorities. I'll now share them all. Better to flood everyone's newsfeeds than to lose a chance to help find someone. That's what I'd want if I was missing a child!

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