When I used to look in the mirror, I saw a pretty face, nice hair, ok boobs, fat stomach, flabby thighs......you see how the compliments decrease the lower my eyes travel?
I had talked/thought about doing the cleanse for months on end, but until my cousin sent me an invite to a fb group I hadn't made the mental decision to do so. While the invitation was sent innocently on her end, it was actually a call to action for me to really get my body in order so that I can maintain my health.
I've heard of others doing the fast and how hard it would be not to eat for 7 days and how bad the lemonade tasted. Luckily for me, that made me more dedicated to completing the cleanse AND made it easier somehow.
I know I can be greedy as hell, but I actually loved the lemonade mixture of cayenne pepper, maple syrup and lemon juice. Throughout the 7 days I experienced little hunger and no bad side effects. HOWEVER, if I had drunk the lemonade in more consistent intervals, even the slight dizziness and headaches could have probably been avoided.
On day 5 of the fast, I incorporated exercise....and it kicked my ass! However, the visual results were more immediate because the fat that was once covering my muscles had been decreased (or maybe it's all in my imagination). On Day 6 of 7 of my Master Cleanse journey I looked in the mirror, gasped and said, "OMG, my stomach is gone!!!" (see my one pack!!!!)
When I started, I was 143 pounds and today I am 141 or so. Most people say they lost 10-14 pounds on the cleanse, but I imagine they had more weight to spare than I do.
The biggest excitement for me was losing all that belly fat! I don't care about scale numbers. Looking at me and being surprised at the transformation was AWESOME. It was an immediate image booster which made me reconsider my entire body and its beauty.